Communication Problems – LP vinyl

OUT November 5th, 2021 – VINYL EDITION
Le Pop Club Records/ Mauvaise Foi Records

1. Talkin’ Bout Jesus
2. Telephone #2
3. Every Street That We Knew
4. Neal
5. Snake
6. Ticket For Your Love
7. Love In Vain
8. Another Year Passed By
9. Yesterday’s Ghost
10. Hand Habits
11. I Forgive You

Au terme d’une année privée de concerts, le rock ‘n’roll n’a peut-être jamais paru aussi moribond qu’aujourd’hui. Alors que la vie reprend doucement son cours, nos musiciens préférés reprennent eux aussi du service. C’est le cas deNICK WHEELDON, originaire de Sheffield, qui ne cesse de marquer notre scène nationale de son empreinte britonne. Alors qu’il a déjà publié près de 20 disques en 5 ans, œuvrant au sein de groupes toujours plus nombreux (The Jesus Loves Heroin Band, Os Noctàmbulos, 39th & the Nortons, Dômo Kômo, Nick & Alizon…) et parfaisant chanson après chanson un alliage délicat entre la majesté d’un Gene Clark et la sensibilité pure et fragile d’un Alex Chilton, notre Anglais national a cette fois choisi de produire son premier album en son nom propre, « Communication Problems ».

After more than a year without shows, rock ‘n’ roll may never have seemed more at a standstill than it is now. And as life’s slowly returning to normal, our favorite musicians too are getting back at it. Such is the case of NICK WHEELDON, a Sheffield, UK native, who has been having a considerable impact on our French underground scene lately. In the past five years, he made nearly 20 records with countless bands (The Jesus Loves Heroin Band, Dômo Kômo, Os Noctàmbulos, 39th & the Nortons, Nick & Alizon…), each of them offering him a new opportunity to refine his Gene Clark and Alex Chilton-inspired sound – a sound both majestic and fragile, delicate and pure. This time, he’s decided to release his first record under his own name. Here comes Communication Problems.


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